April 22nd is Earth Day, a day where people get together to give back to the land that sustains us. It’s a day of contemplation, discussion, but most important: action! Whether it’s cleaning up garbage, planting new trees or simply walking instead of riding, each action has a valuable impact.

Here are some easy ways to make Earth Day: Every Day

Use Washable Containers

Whether you’re packing children’s lunches or your own, try to opt for containers that can be re-used. Some schools now have garbage free lunches, to encourage people to get on board. Be the model for your child, and do this for yourself. Bring in your own coffee mug when you stop at the local coffee shop, pack your lunch in Tupperware, and simply throw less garbage away. The land fill will thank you.

Refill and Reuse

Less packaging means less waste. Whether you’re buying hand soap, yogurt or juice, opt for larger containers that you can than use to refill your washable containers at home.  Instead of recycling, think Reuse. Glass jars, yogurt and margarine containers can be easily repurposed in a craft room, pantry or even a tool shed.

Add back to the Earth

Make compost a routine event at your home. Take your garbage can out of the kitchen to prevent accidently throwing something in. Before composting, take a moment to see if it can be reused elsewhere. Tea leaves and coffee grounds are great natural fertilizers. While egg shells and left over beer, will help combat a slug problem.

Start Small

Cherry tomatoes, peppers, salad greens and herbs can be easily grown in containers throughout your yard. Have an awkward space that needs to be filled, adapt the space with a veggie filled Garden Halo. There is nothing more satisfying than eating food grown in your garden.

Think Green

When we choose to think green, every day becomes earth day. Leave nature in it’s place. Turn off the lights, walk more, use air conditioning less, plant seeds, water responsibly and remember that every little action has an impact. We can make a difference.


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